Chimney Cleaning

Chimney Cleaning

The National Fire Protection Association says that homeowners should have their chimney inspected and swept each year to safe, reliable and efficient heating source. We can answer any questions you have about your chimney. Lots of people call us because their getting smoke in the house. A lot of times this problem can be solved with a simple cleaning. When we clean your chimney we make sure its clean before we leave your house always explaining to your first what our process is. We start at the top cleaning the cap, the flue, the smoke shelf, firebox and all the creosote behind the back wall. After we get the chimney all clean we clean the glass doors a well.

The (CSIA) Chimney Safety Institute of America recommends that an open masonry fireplace should be cleaned at 1/8” of creosote buildup, and even sooner if glazing starts to occur. Pre-fab fireplaces such as would stoves should be cleaned and inspected soon as creosote starts to build.

Three degrees of Creosote:
  • 1st Fine Black Dust called soot
  • 2nd Flakey, loose and brittle
  • 3rd Glazed creosote. This is the most dangerous and is highly flammable
The chance of a chimney fire can be greatly reduced, perhaps even eliminated if homeowners understand how their fireplace works and get it swept and it inspected. Creosote buildup and debris can restrict air flow in the chimneys flue. Our chimney sweep service is clean and professional. As well as a chimney sweep company we are also a masonry and chimney repair company. If you have any issues with your chimney we will be happy to answer any questions and give you a free estimate. Bridgetown’s chimney sweeps come with an 18 point inspection going over every aspect of your chimney, flue liner, firebox, smoke shelf and rain cap. We service and sweep wood stoves, open box fireplaces, wood stove inserts, prefab fireplaces, oil furnaces, residential and commercial. How often you get a chimney cleaning and inspection depends on how much you bur n. If you don’t remember the last time you had it cleaned or inspected, we recommend you have one of our tech come out and take a look.
Chain beating
3rd stage creosote usually can only be removed with a chemical product or a chain beating process with works by beating the creosote of the liner.. Burning good solid, dry hardwood will be less sooty and will burn cleaner and a will keep you from having to do this process.
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